Search Results

Results for "keyword: "social justice""
City Hall A detailed documentary showing the many things a city government does for its citizens.
Till Inspiring and touching story of a Black mother whose bearing witness catalyzed the civil rights movement.
Kansas City A spunky film in a series of Robert Altman portraits of the failure of the American Dream.
Happy As Lazzaro (Lazzaro felice) A symbol-filled fable fixated on innocence, holiness, and inhumanity.
Checkpoint An unflinchingly honest Israeli documentary about the humiliations endured by Palestinians every day at the hands of the Israeli soldiers occupying the West Bank.
Border (Gräns) A breathtakingly bizarre parable about belonging.
Monsters and Men A muted but majestic exploration of explosive violence, ethical conundrums, and elusive justice.
Manderlay A morally provocative meditation on race in America and the troubles that can come when democracy and freedom are crammed down the throats of others.
Good Night, and Good Luck A stirring tribute to television journalist Edward R. Murrow's courage and conviction in a dark period of American history.
The Taxman A fascinating film about an ordinary man whose ardent pursuit of justice opens up his constricted life.